Jalite PLC www.jalitemarine.com Phone: +44 (0) 1268 242300 - Fax: +44 (0) 1268 274148 - E-mail: sales@jalite.com.

Fire Fighting Equipment Notices

JALITE fire fighting equipment notices ensure that the equipment is correctly and conspicuously identified, even in complete darkness situations.

6314C - Jalite Fire Point Location - IMPA Code: 33.6103 - ISSA Code: 47.561.03 6612C - Jalite Fire fighting lift 6613C - Jalite fire fighting lobby 6595C - Jalite Firefighters switch 6590C - Jalite Foam inlet

6314C 150 x 150mm
6314E 200 x 200mm

6612C 150 x 150mm
6612E 200 x 200mm

6613C 150 x 150mm
6613E 200 x 200mm

6595C 150 x 150mm
6595E 200 x 200mm

6590C 150 x 150mm
6590E 200 x 200mm

6614C - Jalite Sprinkler control valve 6615C - Jalite Sprinkler stop valve 6089C - Jalite Fire pump start button 6283C - Jalite Open valve in the event of fire 6594C - Jalite Dry riser inlet

6614C 150 x 150mm
6614E 200 x 200mm

6615C 150 x 150mm
6615E 200 x 200mm

6089C 150 x 150mm
6089E 200 x 200mm

6283C 150 x 150mm
6283E 200 x 200mm

6594C 150 x 150mm
6594E 200 x 200mm

6594C - Jalite Dry riser outlet 6591C - Jalite Dry riser 6592C - Jalite Wet riser 6520C - Jalite Manual control point CO2 release 6042C - Jalite Manual control point Foam release

6589C 150 x 150mm
6589E 200 x 200mm

6591C 150 x 150mm
6591E 200 x 200mm

6592C 150 x 150mm
6592E 200 x 200mm

6520C 150 x 150mm
6520E 200 x 200mm

6042C 150 x 150mm
6042E 200 x 200mm

6002C - Jalite Manual control point Deluge release 6616C - Jalite Smoke vent shaft 6041C - Jalite Automatic smoke vent 6502C - Jalite Smoke vent manual control 6581C - Jalite Gas shut off valve

6002C 150 x 150mm
6002E 200 x 200mm

6616C 150 x 150mm
6616E 200 x 200mm

6041C 150 x 150mm
6041E 200 x 200mm

6502C 150 x 150mm
6502E 200 x 200mm

6581C 150 x 150mm
6581E 200 x 200mm

6597C - Jalite Mains water stop valve 6605C - Jalite fire control panel 6454C - Jalite Fire hydrant 6463C - Jalite Fire flap 6618C - Jalite Sprinkler chamber

6597C 150 x 150mm
6597E 200 x 200mm

6605C 150 x 150mm
6605E 200 x 200mm

6454C 150 x 150mm
6454E 200 x 200mm

6463C 150 x 150mm
6463E 200 x 200mm

6618C 150 x 150mm
6618E 200 x 200mm

6284C - Jalite Fire fighting equipment stored inside 6593C - Jalite Fire plan 6598C - Jalite Mains electrical isolation switch 6617C - Jalite Dry falling main 6006C - Jalite fire shutter

6284C 150 x 150mm
6284E 200 x 200mm

6593C 150 x 150mm
6593E 200 x 200mm

6598C 150 x 150mm
6598E 200 x 200mm

6617C 150 x 150mm
6617E 200 x 200mm

6006C 150 x 150mm
6006E 200 x 200mm

Suppression Systems - Deluge & Gaseous

6515E - Jalite Hazardous Area FM200 6516E - Jalite Hazardous Area Carbon dioxide 6522E - Jalite Hazardous Area FE 25 6523E - Jalite Hazardous Area ARGON IG - 01

6515E 200 x 200mm

6516E 200 x 200mm

6522E 200 x 200mm

6523E 200 x 200mm

6517E - Jalite Hazardous Area Halon 1301 6521E - Jalite Hazardous Area FE 13 6514E - Jalite Hazardous Area Water mist 6492E - Jalite Hazardous Area INERGEN

6517E 200 x 200mm

6521E 200 x 200mm

6514E 200 x 200mm

6492E 200 x 200mm

6524E - Jalite Hazardous Area FE 36 6513E - Jalite Hazardous Area NOVEC 1230 FLUID Suppression Systems

6524E 200 x 200mm

6513E 200 x 200mm

Hazardous Area Instructions

5000PT - Jalite CO2 Protected Area
5000PT 100 x 300mm

7212D - Jalite Warning Hazardous area
7212D 150 x 200mm
7212DD 200 x 300mm
7549D - Jalite Warning Explosive atmosphere
7549D 150 x 200mm
7549DD 200 x 300mm
5228PT - Jalite Ventilation must be in use prior to entry
5228PT 100 x 300mm

7303PT - Jalite Warning Low oxygen levels
7303PT 100 x 300mm
7303M 80 x 200mm

7223D - Jalite Warning Compressed Gas
7223D 150 x 200mm
7223DD 200 x 300mm
7422D - Jalite Warning Flammable material
7422D 150 x 200mm
7422DD 200 x 300mm
8064PT - Jalite No unauthorised persons beyond this point
8064PT 100 x 300mm

8282PT - Jalite Do not enter without a work permit
8282PT 100 x 300mm

7598DD - Jalite Confined space / No unauthorised access
7598DD 200 x 300mm
8285PT - Jalite No hot work
100 x 300mm

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