Jalite PLC www.jalitemarine.com Phone: +44 (0) 1268 242300 - Fax: +44 (0) 1268 274148 - E-mail: sales@jalite.com.

Drinking Water

4381C - Jalite Drinking Water 4384D - Jalite Drinking Water 4382M - Jalite Drinking Water - IMPA Code: 33.4180 - ISSA Code: 47.541.80  

4381C 150 x 150mm
4381E 200 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

Hand Washing Facility

5146C - Jalite Hand Washing Facility - IMPA Code: 33.5654 - ISSA Code: 47.556.54 5145D - Jalite Hand Washing Facility 5145M - Jalite Hand Washing Facility

5146C 150 x 150mm
5146E 200 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

4391C - Jalite Hand Washing Facility 4391FS15 - Jalite Hand Washing Facility 4383M - Jalite Hand Washing Facility

150 x 150mm

4391FS15 150 x 150mm
4391FS20 200 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

Drinking / Eating Prohibited

8291C - Jalite Drinking, Eating Prohibited 8091D - Jalite Drinking, Eating Prohibited 8091M - Jalite Drinking, Eating Prohibited - IMPA Code: 33.8566 - ISSA Code: 47.585.66

8291C 150 x 150mm
8291E 200 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

Smoking Prohibited

8024C - Jalite Smoking Prohibited No Smoking - IMPA Code: 33.8500 - ISSA Code: 47.585.00 8067D - Jalite Smoking Prohibited No Smoking 8067M - Jalite Smoking Prohibited No Smoking - IMPA Code: 33.8530 - ISSA Code: 47.585.30  

8024A 100 x 100mm
8024C 150 x 150mm
8024E 200 x 200mm

8067D 150 x 200mm
8067DD 150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

8024FS15 - Jalite Smoking Prohibited No Smoking TT3656 - Jalite Smoking Prohibited No Smoking  

8024FS15 150 x 150mm
8024FS20 200 x 200mm

TT3656 40 x 100mm
(Sold in packs of 5)

Electronic Cigarettes Prohibited

8037C - Jalite Electronic Cigarettes Prohibited 8041D - Jalite No electronic cigarettes 8041M - Jalite No electronic cigarettes  

8037A 100 x 100mm
8037C 150 x 150mm
8037E 200 x 200mm

8041D 150 x 200mm
8041DD 150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

8039E - Jalite No smoking, No electronic cigarettes, Do not charge electronic cigarettes TT4057 - Jalite No electronic cigarettes  

8039E 200 x 200mm

TT4057 40 x 100mm
(Sold in packs of 5)

Drinking Water Prohibition

8287C - Jalite Drinking Water Prohibition 8086D - Jalite Drinking Water Prohibition 8086M - Jalite Drinking Water Prohibition

8287C 150 x 150mm
8287E 200 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

80 x 200mm

Galley Safety

7198C - Jalite Warning Mind your head - IMPA Code: 33.7502 - ISSA Code: 47.575.02 7508C - Jalite Warning Slippery surface 7507C - Jalite Warning trip hazard - IMPA Code: 33.7508 - ISSA Code: 47.575.08 7560C - Jalite Warning Hot surface

7198A 100 x 100mm
7198C 150 x 150mm
7198E 200 x 200mm

7508A 100 x 100mm
7508C 150 x 150mm
7508E 200 x 200mm

7507A 100 x 100mm
7507C 150 x 150mm
7507E 200 x 200mm

7560A 100 x 100mm
7560C 150 x 150mm
7560E 200 x 200mm

7044D - Jalite Warning Mind your head - IMPA Code: 33.7570 - ISSA Code: 47.575.70 7025D - Jalite Warning Slippery surface - ISSA Code: 47.575.72 7043D - Jalite Warning trip hazard - IMPA Code: 33.7620 - ISSA Code: 47.576.20 7561D - Jalite Warning Hot surface

150 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

Waste Control - Garbage

8277D - Jalite Do not throw garbage overboard 8313D - Jalite Do not throw garbage overboard, Use the bins provided 8277PT - Jalite Do not throw garbage overboard

150 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

150 x 200mm

W5572M - Jalite Food waste only - ISSA Code: 47.556.91 W5576M - Jalite Compaction only - ISSA Code: 47.556.95 W5571M - Jalite Plastic only - ISSA Code: 47.556.90

W5572M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

W5576M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

W5571M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

W5574M - Comminution only - ISSA Code: 47.559.94 W5573M - Jalite Incineration only - ISSA Code: 47.556.93 W5577M - No plastic or food waste - ISSA Code: 47.556.92

W5574M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

W5573M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

W5577M 80 x 200mm
(White Rigid Only)

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