Jalite PLC Phone: +44 (0) 1268 242300 - Fax: +44 (0) 1268 274148 - E-mail: sales@jalite.com.

Jalite Photoluminescent Life Saving Appliance ( LSA )
Fire Fighting Equipment ( FFE ) Plans

These bespoke plans are manufactured to customers specifications
and engineered specifically to harsh weather conditions.

Fire Safety Plans

The Life Saving Appliances / Fire Fighting Equipment Photoluminescent Plan consists of a simplified plan view of the desired location, clearly identifying major items of equipment, rooms/walls, points of access, escape routes, walkways and structural member outlines.

The plans are housed in specially designed off-shore plan cases which are engineered specifically for harsh weather conditions in industrial, marine and offshore environments.

Other plan cases are available and are tailored to meet customers specific requirements.

Fire Safety Plans are an integral part of the management of the fire precautions process.

They can be used to:

  • Identify and locate specific hazards
  • Identify and locate equipment provided for fire fighters
  • Communicate actions to take in the event of fire including the location of the nearest exit

Fire Safety Plans